Tutoring, training, instruction

While working with one of my clients in her office, I suggested she use “alt-tab.” She had been in business for many years, is highly accomplished in her field, but did not know this shortcut.

After showing her the convenience it offered, she said,  “Why didn’t I know that?” I responded, “Because you’re a solo operator; if you worked in an office environment surrounded by other Windows users, you would likely have learned it from one of your colleagues.”

Having an instructor on retainer is a cost most of us neither need nor can afford. With that in mind, we offer our clients hands-on instruction, preferably remotely, at a reasonable cost.  Our training sessions are customized to the needs of the individual user or, in the case of your firm, to a group of users. By working with clients remotely, our users can show us exactly what they’re having trouble with, making it simple to address immediate needs as we go.  This can be especially helpful for solo operators in business.